How You Can Help

You can help the site in a few ways if you like what we do and help the site get even better.

By clicking through any Amazon links and buying a product you will be helping the site and if you were already planning to get it anyway you can get it through one of the links at no cost to you and show your appreciation! Even if the name of the product does not have a direct link you can still help us by going through our link to the Amazon homepage and buying it like normal! We thank you in advance if you do this and we really appreciate any help and for any other support we are grateful!  If you do this you will help  the site get better and it won`t make any different to you so everyone`s a winner!

Here is an example of a link if you are not sure what one looks like.

If you want to help us and can`t find the direct link go to the homepage through this link and buy whatever you wanted like normal! Homepage

We will look into other ways that the site can make money in the future which make no difference to the reader!

Thanks for your support!