At theentertainmentking we try and aim to provide you with the latest news and reviews for all forms of entertainment including game consoles like the Xbox 360 and Wii, films, music and books and hopefully will become the best overall entertainment site on the web!
Review Information
Our reviews are always just our honest opinions on the product and are based on what we actually think on it unlike some other websites! We try to be fair and give an honest overview of the product. We don`t at this moment have a score based system as that is quite subjective and people idea of one score are different to another`s. If you disagree with a review we would love to see you comment on it and put what you thought as that will help the site get better and also give a different opinion to other readers.
You may also see some of the reviews and indeed other articles on a few other websites and these will always be under the names ns1209 and mariofan123. If you are not sure if a review or article has been copied from contact us.
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