Shortly after Nicholas arrives a series of strange murders occur...
Hot Fuzz is a spin at American cop movies with an English feel. I think Hot Fuzz is hilarious and I was laughing through most of it. I have to say that this is a brilliant film with a mix of humour, drama and some bloody murders. Simon Pegg is incredibly good and funny and because of this film I watched Run, Fatboy Run which is also a funny film. There are also a lot of other big names involved in the film - see if you can spot them!
I especially love the scene where they take a shortcut through the garden! You can see it from about 15 seconds onwards in this video!
I would definitely recommend this movie for anyone about 15 up as it is quite gruesome in parts and has some very strong language with a certain c word appearing a couple of times on things like the swear box!!! This is a little bit of a shame as it is such a fantastic film that I would recommend it to all if I could.
As I mentioned earlier I got this film cheaply and it can be found cheap and is well worth picking up for less than a fiver!
The film is excellent and I hope everyone watches it!
5/5 Watch it!
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