The Secret Millionaire is aired on Channel Four on Wednesdays and lasts for an hour.
The show has a different millionaire every week (normally through working hard and creating businesses.) They then have to leave their family, house and other luxuries behind and move into a struggling community and put in very shabby houses and normally only given a very low amount of money each day.
The millionaire then spends most of the programme visiting charities, organisations and individuals in the community and tries to find some worthy causes for his money. At this point you meet some very kind people and also some people who really have poor lives and it makes you feel quite lucky!
As the show goes on the millionaire normally gets a bit closer to some of the communities and you also see the kindness of some people who spend most of their lives helping others even though they could probably do with a little help themselves! The only thing I don`t really get is that there is a camera crew there and although they say they are making a documentary I wonder if people actually believe this and as the show gets more popular I wonder if it will be able to continue due to people working out they are a secret millionaire.
Towards the end the millionaire decides who he is going to give his money to, why and how much. It is really quite moving at times and nice to see the kindness of some people and also some deserving people getting some money and the rich person helping the poor.
I would recommend this programme as it is quite moving and interesting and something positive and showing some people generosity in this usually very selfish world.
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